China ReadyService Expectations and Tips
Addressing these service expectations and incorporating these tips will go beyond meeting basic needs, creating an environment that resonates with Chinese visitors.
Focusing on cultural awareness, personalized services, and thoughtful gestures can contribute significantly to a positive and memorable stay.
Fast Responsive Service
- Prioritize prompt responses to inquiries, requests, and complaints.
Level of Respect for Service Roles
- Acknowledge the significance of titles and roles in Chinese culture.
- Train staff to show appropriate respect to guests based on their status or position.
Negotiation on Price
- While Chinese visitors may be accustomed to negotiating prices, they won't be offended if a discount is not offered.
- Provide transparent pricing and value-added services to justify costs.
Small Gift Gestures
- Consider incorporating small gift gestures, such as welcome amenities or cultural welcome, to make Chinese visitors feel appreciated.
- These gestures can leave a lasting impression and contribute to positive reviews and generate word of mouth.
Acknowledging Important Dates and Events
- Familiarize yourself with significant Chinese holidays and festivals, including
- Chinese New Year, Autumn Moon Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, White Valentine, etc.
- Customize promotions or special offers during these periods to show cultural sensitivity and make guests feel at home.
Cultural Awareness Training
Provide cultural sensitivity training to staff to ensure they are aware of and understand the nuances of Chinese customs and traditions.
Encourage staff to learn basic greetings and phrases in Mandarin to create a more welcoming atmosphere.
Personalized Services
Tailor services based on guest preferences and previous interactions.
Keep records of guest preferences, such as room preferences or dietary restrictions, to provide a more personalized experience.